Friday, 24 May 2013

Learning About Perimeters

Today our class went out
onto the courts to learn about 
perimeters. We learned how to 
work out the perimeters of a rectangle 
and a square. We also learned how 
to use stage 6 strategies. The best part was
when we have to draw our owe strategies.

Room5 Gold Fish

My Cyber Smart Poster

My Gases Presentation!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

My Maths Test

Today I did a Maths test with Mrs Manuyag.
I learned: 

  • I am just below the right stage for adding and subtraction.
  • I am just below in my times tables. 
  • I am just below in my fractions. 
My goal is now going to be to practice adding and subtracting big numbers and practicing my division facts. 

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Our vocabulary words for Inquiry

 For this term, we are learning about the effect our rubbish has on our environment. Here are some of the key vocabulary words we will be using this term!

Monday, 6 May 2013