Thursday, 4 July 2013

how to make a Tapa Cloth

WALT: write an explanation that is clear and east to follow, and includes headings and detail

Sketching the shells

Firstly,we had to sketch shells with a pencil.We sketched the outline and the main line on the inside of the shell.Then we had to do our pattern for the border.

Transfer the Design

Secondly,we had to transfer our sketch onto brown cardboard. We drew our best design onto the cardboard.Then we drew over the outline with black  vivid.

Scrunching the cardboard

Next,we scrunched the cardbroad about 30 times.When we had finished the cardbroad  felt like  nice cool tapa cloth.So when people comes to our class we will show them our tapa cloth and there will say it feels nice, like a real cloth
Adding some colour

Finally,we added some colour to our tapa cloth.We used the black and brown pastels to colour our cool Tapa cloth. Now we had finished our tapa cloth. I thought it looked great, like a real Tapa cloth!

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