So hello there, Okay this task is about Multiplicative Thinking and if you don't know what Multiplicative Thinking is well all the information is all on this Google Drawing (DLO) so this is my Multiplicative Thinking stage is on this DLO and this DLO will tell you how I will develop by the end of this term :D
Hi Stanley,
You have a great post about Multiplicative Thinking. You have really good information about Multiplicative Thinking. The only thing I have to work on is how to do it. My biggest problem in maths is my Multiplication, What is your biggest problem?
You know where you need to be (stage 7).
You have set a goal (reach stage 7 by the end of the term).
and you have developed a plan of what you will do each day in order to reach your goal! (every day, practise my times tables for 20 minutes)
This is the work of someone who has a growth mindset! Nicely done Stanley!
Practising your time tables for 20 minutes each night is a great start.
Please make sure that you challenge yourself appropriately by practising the times tables that you know you need to work on.
What other goals could you use in order to reach your goal?
Yes, being a multiplicative thinker would increase your chances of doing well on a maths test, or when you are in college.
Can you think of ways that being a multiplicative thinker would help you outside of school?
Hi Stanley,Its me Paterita and Paris
We really liked the way you have told us where you are at for maths and we really liked the way you told us where you need to be(stage 7)keep it up Stanley and keep practicing your maths and on ur xtra maths.Well Done
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