Ladies and Gentlemen
I have a announcement to make about Patosina.
Well Patosina thought she will beat me and Willy at our own game well guest what I will be chasing you and I when I catch you I will beat you actually me and Willy will beat (as a joke) and guest what I am only one blog post away from you if you inculed this post yeahh.
Bring it
Stanley and Patosina - I love your determination to be the best blogger but there needs to be less bragging about who will be the best blogger and more focus on blogging school work.
For the past 3 days I have read lots about this blog war but I don't actually see work you have done in class this week being posted on your blogs. You may have blogged one piece of work from this week but we have done lots of learning around myths and legends, Kiwi Can and sign language.
If your going to have a blog war how about you blog more about learning that happens in the classroom and continue blogging about your experiences out side of school which I love reading about.
I admire the motivation you both have for blogging. Don't forget to double, triple check your spelling/punctuation before you publish.
Oh and by the way - no one will be ending anyone - please express your self in an appropriate manner when you are blogging - see Willy's blog.
I know you mean well and are joking with each other as you are blogging but just remember you have a world wide audience who will be reading your blogs and when they are reading a blog post (or blog comment) like this they may not interpret it the same way you do.
Remember we want to have appropriate learning conversations as we are commenting on each other's blog posts.
I agree with Ms Aireen, the really good peacemaker (now I get it Ms Aireen), guys.
Even I, ME, I could misinterpret this post! And I don't normally do that! I don't think that's a thing, but what can you do. If this keeps up, Stanley and Patosina, with bad sayings about each other...
I will call an armistice.
This is supposed to be a humourous battle of discovery and fun! Where it's a joke!
Not, a place of dark words and sayings to confuse readers.
I hope you read this comment section. It's something to work on.
Okay I agree with Ms Aireen be a peace maker and I admit me and Stanley have maybe took it a bit to serious and challenging and a lot of bad talk.I'll will certainly blog more learning post and agree to work on this.
Sorry if I Did or said something that was meant for the war but taken seriously.
Willy I am sorry and I will take this seriously about my language.
Stanley sorry if I made this hard and maybe a bit serious with my blog post.
A quote told me to never regret anything that made you smile.
I am sadly sorry guys ;(
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